

By 存管连接 Staff | 5 minute read | 小君e 14, 2023

随着存为 加快结算, from two days to one day (referred to as T+1) for equity products, 现代化的技术, 同时维护一个健壮的控制环境, 仍然是最重要的.

“T+1 is really a microcosm of everything we're doing within IT at 存 to ensure we have modern, 安全, 有弹性的, 先进的系统. The incredible work being done at 存 really typifies the collaboration across the industry,卡伦·达菲说, Managing Director of IT SIFMU and Risk Delivery at 存.


存管连接 采访了达菲和贝哈尔·卡米, 存董事总经理, 国际旅游业伙伴关系, RDS及数据服务(税务局), to understand how firms upgraded their technology in response to accelerated settlement initiatives in the past and how 存 is supporting both clients and the financial services industry in the landmark move to T+1.

DC: 2017年结算从T+3到T+2, how did firms prepare for this change from a technology standpoint, 从中学到了什么?

KD: From a client engagement perspective the preparation for the 2017 effort was very similar to those for the move to T+1; there was a lot of coordination and collaboration between 存, 行业和客户的每一步. Each firm’s story is unique in terms of the work that they do, their bespoke systems that have been built over time and how they connect with 存.

凯伦·达菲凯伦·达菲, 存董事总经理, IT SIFMU and Risk Delivery

Each firm was on their own individual journey to evolve their technology and systems that talk to 存, to ensure they could fully support a compressed settlement cycle. 从整体的角度来看, there was a lot of work done to confirm that we can come together as industry participants in support of the move to T+2. 测试和验证用例, 以及测试与存的持续连接, were paramount in ensuring organizational health and readiness for the implementation date.

然而, the technology landscape has changed significantly since 2017, and our internal preparation is heavily focused on ensuring we have the right automation and observability capabilities are in place at 存 as we move toward T+1.

比哈尔卡米比哈尔卡米, 存董事总经理, 国际旅游业伙伴关系 RDS及数据服务(税务局)

BC: While there are several similarities between the move from T+3 to T+2 and the upcoming shift to T+1, 从更广泛的行业角度来看, it’s worth noting that this change is more significant in that the continued settlement acceleration requires higher levels of straight through processing and automation. 像这样, all firms need to evaluate their processes end-to-end and identify any processes that require streamlining and automation as the window for recovery is tightened.

就像转移到T+2一样, 端到端评估的重点更加突出, 情景规划, a high focus on resiliency as well as the need for comprehensive industry testing to assess and prove readiness. As the nature of settlement requires several client and partner interaction points, the focus on industry testing and validation is absolutely critical.

相关播客:技术的交集 & 国际旅游业伙伴关系

DC:上线日期是5月28日, 2024年搬到T+1, what key technology improvements and capabilities can financial services firms focus on over the next 12 months to best prepare for the move to an accelerated settlement cycle?

KD: It’s very important that firms are prepared for industry testing efforts – both in terms of timing and taking full advantage of testing system readiness. Firms can test their interfaces with 存 to ensure timely and thorough test preparedness. Importantly, I would urge firms to focus on resilience.

When moving to this compressed timeframe for settlement, resiliency is at the forefront. 有反应能力的:有反应能力的, address, 并修复系统中的任何问题, 并及时恢复, 非常重要. Firms should also understand how the settlement cut off times have changed with respect to 存, and ensure they are able to shift their schedules to meet the 我们发布了新的时间表.

BC: A thorough analysis to understand the regulations and accelerated timings, as well as to understand the impact to settlement processes and systems, is imperative to identify the areas of focus to support the accelerated settlement cycle. As the recovery window to address exceptions or outages is reduced, resiliency and recoverability should remain a top priority.

尽管T+1的上线时间是2024年5月, 工业测试定于今年第三季度进行, 因此,解决差距的窗口被压缩了. 由于存在行业中的作用, 弹性是一个核心能力和重点领域, and T+1 readiness has been an active program for well over a year.

DC: How is 存 utilizing new technologies and automation to support the move to T+1, 同时确保客户端的安全性和弹性?

KD: We have automation built into both our testing and preventative controls. 正如我们2022年白皮书中所述, 技术弹性的力量, 我们在存采取弹性第一的心态, and build resilience principles and concepts into the foundation of our platforms and applications. We have so many more capabilities available to help make our applications and our platforms more 安全. 这些包括:可观察性, 仪表盘, extensive readiness assessments to ensure we are able to support and operate under compressed timeframes, 加强沟通, 使我们能够迅速对任何问题作出反应.

So much has changed since 2017, in terms of the industry and 存’s own technology landscape. 向T+2的转变非常成功, 今天, we have an even richer and more mature environment in terms of resiliency and security, 在我们准备支持T+1结算时,哪些是关键.

BC: 弹性是存的关键基础能力. 确保我们的平台可以扩展, be 有弹性的 and recover is a key tenet of our application design and architecture.

存战略投资于 私有云和公共云架构 模式和技术, 同时大力推进网络现代化, automation and observability to provide continued security and resiliency. 这种关注不仅仅局限于技术, 并扩展到适当的政策, 程序, monitoring and alerting to ensure we are prepared to fully support our clients and the industry in the 加快结算.

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